Here are some pictures of us in action! If you have more, please e-mail them to us! Just click on 'Contact Us' in the
navigation bar! Thanks so much! *\o/* GO MILLERS!! *\o/*
Winter Crew
Jen, Adina, Vanessa, Heather, and Julia on bottom
Adina, Jen, and Julz
Adina and Heather
The Winter Crew
Adina, Melissa, Sara, Rebecca, Julia, Ashley, and Lainie
Heather, Christina, and Adina
The Cheer Fall Crew
Thanksgiving Day vs. Madison
Bottom left to right: Alana, Kristen, Julianne, Ashley, Rebecca, Julia, Lainie.
Middle left to right: Vanessa, Carly, Debbie, Adina (Capt), Heather (Capt), Paige, Danie.
Top left to right: Hilary (Capt), Robyn (Capt), Christina, Mrs Thiel (Coach), Miss Parker (Coach).
Hilary and Adina discussing some last minute cheer plans for the Football Game!
Seniors '03
Robyn, Christina, and Hilary
Bonfire Night
Robyn's Car
Waiting for a little something from the football players!!
Thanksgiving Game
The end of the game and we lost :( There's always next year!
Debbie aka AP @ Morris Hills, supposed to be cheering...
Captains 2003
Hilary, Robyn, Adina and Heather
Bonfire Night
The Crew with Coach Guarino
The Crew with the Coaches
The crew performing the welcome cheer in the beginning of the game! (Thanksgiving Day)
Thanksgiving Game
Many of you parents have digital cameras these days. If you have some photos that you would like to have on the site, please
e-mail them to me.